Of course, since we were in Rome we needed to do as the Romans do, so after settling in at Rays Bucktown B&B ( my next blog will focus on that funked up place) we headed back to The Bristol for dinner.
Voted one of the top ten new restaurants in America by GQ Magazine
http://www.gq.com/food-travel/alan-richman/201001/best-new-restaurants-2010#slide=9, it is in my opinion also the one with the coolest sign. I mean just look at the way it runs up the side of the building all lined up perfectly perpendicular with the light pole. This was no accident I can assure you
And, and AND...the food was a work of art as well. These two farmers (still talking about Keith and me, try to keep up) were exposed to so many new flavor combinations, it made the rubber on our chore boots curl up with delight.
First though, I must talk of the service. Well there was none.
Service is something you get from strangers. We instead received a reception fit for pig farmers of the Queen . Greeted at the door like we were good friends coming by for a visit, we were then asked, "Where would you like to sit ? " WHAT ?!?
You want me to choose what is best for us instead of what is best for the waitress, waiter or chef ? How cool was that.? I choose a window seat as I love to watch people, but my first inclination was a seat in the kitchen. I wanted to watch the magic being created. Maybe next time
We sat at the comfortable butcher block table and then we met our server who was super friendly, but knew when to give us space, was well versed in the menu, but knew not to push, and was attentive to our every need, without getting in trouble with the law. She was so wonderful and her name was...dangit ! Dangit all to Hades ! I've forgotten. Red ponytail, huge genuine smile. Oh wait, I have a picture.
If you know her please refresh my over 50 memory. I'd love to send her a real Thank You card.
So then the food began arriving. All of it fantastic but I must elaborate about the dessert because I am the dessert kind (insert shock and awe here). Called Chocolate Sabayon which is French for Chocolate that will make you froth at the mouth like a big fat Red Wattle Boar in heat, it started out innocent enough. Chocolate mousse in a glass cup.Then one noticed the drizzle of olive oil and the glistening diamonds of chunky sea salt. Hmmm? One might ask. Then they bring the homemade Nutter Butter cookies which is the only acceptable utensil for scooping up the posh pudding. OMG. (I never say that, its so dumb but it works here,) OMG !! The taste was so rich, so thick so beyond chocolate.
And I washed it down with more wine. I was one happy , relaxed and totally satisfied (food, people, I am still talking only about food.) farm wife.
Thanks very much Chris Pandel and all the staff at The Bristol. You have no idea how proud we are to say we provide some of the pork for your outstanding restaurant.
And now a few pics of the Bucktown Neighborhood.

A great place to visit and perhaps live. Apartments are available
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