Mad Max and girls enjoy greener pastures while we dream
of our own new paddocks...one day. |
So the current status of South Pork Ranch is this...
Despite all our best attempts, we're still here. You might recall that not so long ago, about a year and 1/2 ago, we put the farm up for sale. Lock , STOCK, and barrel, which s not technically true because although the majority of livestock are included in the sale, my guns will come with me.
We've shown the farm and the farm business to several individual parties and although they seemed very interested, none were interested
enough to offer real money to us. So we've moved forward, onward and upward even though our goal has been for some time now to travel DOWNWARD.
With just one month left on our second Realtors contract (first we tried selling with one realtor, then by ourselves via For Sale By Owner, and then with a second realtor) we are once again faced with the decision of "Now What?"
So for your reading pleasure, here is just a snippet of alternative plans.
1. Stay as we are. Working very long days amongst far too many farm revenue centers
which provides us with adequate income but a slow, sure, death.
(Raw milk, direct and retail beef sales, direct and retail pork sales, Red Wattle feeder sales
Red Wattle Breeder sales, honey sales, soap sales, conference speakers, free-lance writers)
2. Give it all to Charity and join a monastery ourselves, preferable one that grows all their own
food and makes their own underwear.
3. Pick just one of the revenue centers listed in number 1 and make it our sole source of income.
Who says you can't put all your eggs (or pigs) in one basket?
4. Re-list the House and 10 acres alone and sell off all the farm p and return to nursing in order
to pay the mortgage and other utilities.
5. Consider selling the House and 10 acres we own on Contract for Deed , hoping the tenants
actually pay us their monthly amount due and selling off all the livestock etc and using that
for seed money for our next tiny tiny farm.
6. Follow number one but hire enough staff to make it workable, at least two full time folk
so we can fret about having enough to pay them every month.
7. Allow the bank to take it all back, file bankruptcy, go back to nursing, live in an apartment
(Keep in mind this action would put Keith in the ground within 6 months)
8. Sell all our belongings. Rent five acres from our friend LM, move our farm store to that property
Making it our 200 square foot home, rent out our farm and land.
9. Turn it all over to the bank. Climb in the truck. Resettle in Alaska
10. Take a nap and make a decision on Monday
Ah yes, you are indeed brilliant. I choose number 10. Keith is spending the afternoon planning a get
rich quick scheme involving Peacock feathers. Don't ask.