November 4, 2009
No, I am not really a coal miner. I just play one on TV and in the barnyard. I wanted to share with you one of the neatest little contraptions I have ever bought. It is an LED Headlight which I found on Ebay at the beginning of the summer. Prior to this purchase I would struggle with late night chores. If I carried a flashlight, provided one was put back in its rightful spot and had batteries in it, I would struggle with carrying multiple calf bottles , pads of hay etc...in one hand and the flashlight in the other. Then if I had a task that needed two hands I'd put the flashlight down where a puppy with many issues would grab it and run. Like I am going to play flashlight tag in the mud with a mongrel. (Any visuals you just put in your head is YOUR responsibility not mine.) Doing chores after dark without a flashlight was an exciting option but then I had to carry the blowhorn with me to help Keith find me as I would frequently wander into the surroundings fields.

Now I am hands free ! This headlamp is amazing. I have been wearing it for 6 months and have yet to replace the batteries. Recently I bought a stylin' new fleece lined winter hat complete with earflaps and now my headlamp is even more secure. The hat came from Lands End Outlet store and because pink is apparently not that popular it was only $4.99 ! Go on, I know you want to say it. OK I will... Pretty in Pink. That's me all right.
Love the headlamp. We have quite a few different varieties in use around here. The incandescent ones just eat batteries. Long live the LED revolution.