
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Peeping Donna

I love it when my blog  peeps will take a photo of their inside digs. Why? Cause I'm a big snoop that's why. I love to see these little glances into their lives. Like when John in Wales shows us his dogs on the couch or Tom shows off his new electronic light sticks or Terri shows a snippet of her busy homeschooling table or Walter lest me peek into his very tiny 252 sq foot cabin (for FIVE PEOPLE!)

Yeah, I love all that. So here for you today is a peek into my chaotic life. Please welcome...tummy roll please....The Midlife Farmwife's Desk (s)!!

No, I did not add a single thing as a "prop" this really is my desk as it generally looks. It accurately reflects the state of my head, dazed and bemused. But keep in mind...I run a business, I'm writing a novel, I have a blog to maintain (millions count on me) I have chronic start- one- project- before -finishing -another -syndrome and the sun was in my eyes.

So go ahead, analyze me. I know I would if I was looking at your desk. I would be ruthless. For example if it were too neat I'd say you had control issues. If it were covered with snack cakes and pop cans, I'd say you had food issues.

Yes, I know. I should've been a psychiatrist I'm so brilliant. But as messy as it looks there is a 50/50 chance that if I need something I can find it.  Better odds than at the horse races.

So now its your turn. Have at it. What does my desk say about me? But remember...I know where at least 3 or 4 of you live.


  1. It looks as normal as can be. You make me laugh. LOL!

  2. You know what they say about uber-tidy houses; they're a sign of a (add your own insult) woman. But who am I to judge, I've NEVER lived in an uber-tidy house.

  3. It looks like organised chaos and isnt that fun. Im in a major de-cluttering phase at the moment after living in the same house for 18 years. Things are flying out the window (or front door) or making their way from one room to another meaning that they arent going anywhere. It must be a tribal ritual im undertaking but somewhere in there i am dusting the surfaces before putting them back again. OK, a label....... me thinks that is NORMAL.

  4. Seester! Every desk is a snap shot into every person's soul. Your Snapshot is you; disorganized? Nope; you know where very piece of paper is when the time to use that piece of paper arises; you find it. By the way; my very neat desk it is not control issues; I'm just a neat freak. Right? ;)

  5. I'd say that you are a very busy woman who loves her work so much that you have to physically cover yourself in sales slips, purchase orders and invoices in order to feel complete and one with SPR.

  6. It looks fairly orderly to me...maybe that says something about me, I don't know! But you have space around most things on the desk, it's not haphazard. The planning calendar is large, usable and two months at a time, which bespeaks someone who likes to think ahead. The chair has no cushion, armrests, tilting mechanism or wheels so I'm guessing you don't sit in it for hours at a time, whiling away your time on Farmville or something :).

  7. My first 2 thoughts were you need a more comfortable chair and that's where she keeps her soap supplies? I guess I am amazed if that is all the room your soap hobby uses. Thanks for the peek! Anne

  8. Wow, looks very well organized to me. Really. My desk often vies for superfund status, sad to say. This past week, it got really bad, even for me, and i had to have a good clearout. Back down to Level 3, i'm guessing.
