
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saponification Sunday...on hold. And now for something entirely Lorna


I have a blog friend in Ireland and her name is Lorna.

Although we have only met in the wired too tightly world (like me she blogs, she teaches, she Facebooks, she writes, she farms, she mothers, and she's been married for over 20 years) I feel we are kindred spirits. In fact we even look alike! Except that she is younger and thinner and way less gray than I am, we could be twins.

And just like me, and so many other really blessed woman in the world, she married a farmer.

For some time now I've enjoyed her blog about being a farmwife in Ireland. Called The Irish Farmerette. Filled not only with day to day farm hilarity (like always being the one to do the majority of the driving while farmer husband sleeps and then wakes and comments about how fast the journey is going!!) she does an amazing job teaching others how to blog and use social networking, WELL.

 I need to re-read those posts I'm afraid.

As if she is not busy enough, she is venturing into the publishing world as she works towards completion of her book "Would You Marry a Farmer, Confessions of an Irish Farmerette", But she could use some help and if there is any hard working farmwife who deserves it, it is she.

Writing a book takes times, perseverance, dedication and courage. Those things although not always easy to come by, are still free. But the actual publication of a book takes real money as does an illustrator, and marketing.

So here I am, the Midlife Farmwife asking all of you to take a few minutes out of YOUR very busy lives to read a little more about Lorna's project here on the Fund It Site. And if you are so inclined help her out with a donation will you.?

And to sweeten this deal just a bit, for every blog follower of mine who donates $10 or more to Lorna, I will send you a free full sized bar of my Midlife Farmwife Soap. To anywhere in the world. Yes, that's what I said. Depending on where you live this is a $6-$100 value. Yes, I'm estimating. I'm not exactly sure how much it will cost to send some soap to Anartica, but I'm willing.

 So you blog stalkers in France, Chicago, Wales, Britain, Ireland , Mohomet, Pontiac, and Cresent City, just leave a comment on my blog telling me you are donating, then make a donation to Lorna and believe me, when her book is published you can take it in the tub with you along with a great big bar of my handcrafted soap for an evening of good clean fun!


  1. FYI...When I was in Antarctica postage was the same as mailing to Denver, Colorado.

  2. Doug, what would I do without you? Sorry I missed you yesterday. Keith keeps me chained to this PC

  3. Ah, thank you Donna, not just for your lovely blog post but also for your offer of your fab soap to your fab followers. I can't wait to meet you and share a gap when you come and stay with us for a night or two when you come to Ireland next year so do ensure you factor in the SE when you're travelling around :)
    Took a day off today to head to the beach as it is tropical here at the mo and it was bliss. It's 8pm and hubby is only going for the cows and there's a birthday party here tomorrow so I've to get grass cut and party food started :) All good fun

  4. Lorna, you are more than welcome and I will happily take you up on your offer to stand in the gap...of course the two of us will be then be twice as likely to let the wrong cow through.

  5. yes probably ;0) especially as we'll be talking nineteen to the dozen ;)

  6. What a lovely post Donna. I'm very much looking forward to Lorna's book. I think that fundit is a fantastic way to raise money for any project. You'll have to include a bloggers meet-up on your next visit to Ireland :)

  7. Nessa. thanks so much for checking in. Of course everytime I hear from you I start craving scones!
