
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Limbo Land Closing

Soon our realtor contract will be coming to an end and we've decided not to renew it. Yet at this moment there is one more interested party we are working with regarding the sale of our farm business.

All told we've shown the farm over the last two years to nearly 20 folks. Not one solid offer. It's too big, or too small or two much work, or whatever. The fellow who is looking at it now is different.

He has already talked to his bank. He has sat with us to discuss farm financials. He has come to do chores with us. And last night he met with our landlord, the one who rents us the other 40 acres around our little 10 acre plot. And they liked him. Because he has no plans to turn our farm into an amusement park or a brothel (just a bed and breakfast with red curtains I was once told) or a confinement farm.

No, if he buys it he will do the same thing we are doing...only better.

Still, with all these positive signs that maybe, just maybe our farm will be sold and our dreams of a little house on a little piece of land with only a little amount of livestock, enough to feed just he and me...will come true.

But if it doesn't, if contestant number 20 changes his mind, or his bank decides no deal, or his wife takes him aside and says "Are you crazy?!?! Did you see the wrinkles on that Midlife Farmwifes's face?! Is that what you want ME to look like in 20 years?" IF any of those things happen and we're still here on South Pork Ranch...

It will be OK.

We have solid plan for simplification, it in fact already in motion. And our 9 year old GK who was just 2 yrs old, a blink ago, reminded us again that SHE would buy the farm when she is grown.

So really, what are we worried about?

In about two weeks time our fate will be decided. And we look forward to the closing of Limbo Land.


  1. Donna, I will be keeping fingers and toes crossed in the hopes that contestant #20 will be the owner of your farm. Best wishes!!!!

  2. Sounds like you have a really good one there, and I hope it works out for you. Funny... I told my grandmother I would buy HER farm!

  3. Hope things work out how you want them too.

  4. Hope everything works out, but what about the soap!?

  5. Martha. Can you cross your eyes too please?

    Mary Ann. and did you?!?!

    Vera, we've turned it over to the big guy in the sky. He'll make it work.

    Mr D. The soap will CONTINUE! that is my solemn promise to you.

  6. I have a 'Joan the Wad' on my keyring, and will give her tummy a rub.... it never fails.

  7. Limbo land is tough but it will work out for the best whatever happens. Do keep us posted :)

  8. Fingers crossed all the way down in Oz. I loved this post and i read it out to my office buddies. As you say in the States, we are rooting for you, though down here that means something entirely different and would be quite rude to do in public.

  9. I'm kind of crossing my fingers for Contestant 20 . . . but I'm also kind of crossing my fingers for your granddaughter! No, I know that's really too long for you all to wait, but I'm sure she, at least, will miss your farm SO much! What a wonderful experience you have given your grandkids! Wishing you the best!

  10. oh, my. this has surely been a long, trying time for you. if it is meant to be, then i hope #20 will come through for you!!!

    and your comment the other day about buying a camera and taking a photography course - you made me feel bad. you give me too much credit - i don't know my camera very well and still don't shoot in manual. :)
