
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Around the World in 80 Blogs and a Raw Milk Update


Geez. I'm so embarrassed. One of my bestest blog buddies, Lorna Sixsmith of Carlow, Ireland just did this wonderful post about yours fooly and it very nicely refers back to my blog (you hyperlink my back and I'll hyperlink yours) but then I follow my own link, some days its the only way I find my way home, and I realize I have not posted in 12 days!

Yeah, I'm quite the blogger all right. When the Nobel Prize extends it's reach into the blogosphere I'll be right up the top 10,000 or so. Enough excuses, time to get to work but before I do; thanks again Lorna, you and your blog Irish  Farmerette really rock !!

So what have I been up to?
A large amount of reading and writing and over-reaching government fighting, that's what. I've been back in school full time at UIUC for 4 weeks now and let me tell you this, I am totally scr**ed if I don't learn how to read about 10 times faster!

But I'll come back to that another day. We need to talk raw milk.

On September 5th, as threatened, the Illinois Department of Public Health posted their pages and pages and pages of proposed rules for raw milk production, sales and consumption in the Illinois Federal Register. We now have 45 days to comment. We had until today September 18 to request a hearing. After the 45 days the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules better known as JCAR will review these rules in the second 45 day comment period. They then have the power to reject them.

 As I have talked for over two years now, these rules are unnecessary, illogical, based on myth, punitive in nature and unaffordable when it comes to enforcing being as Illinois can't manage their money now and could never afford to hire the inspectors required to ensure compliance. They also will likely prove unconstitutional because they reach across so many rights of the private citizen. Example #1 the raw milk farmer will be required to submit names addresses and phone numbers of customers to IDPH whenever asked for them.

Fortunately we've had great support from organizations like The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund who published an amazing Call to Action today which well outlines the issue and gives clear direction on steps each of us can take to stop these ridiculous rules. You can read that Call to Action Right Here

There has also been decent media coverage. The Chicago Tribune( and WBEZ radio)  put in their two cents, interviewing both sides of the debate Here and The Pantagraph, a Bloomington, Illinois Newspaper, tracked me down while I was in class to get my side as well. Yes, I waited until the lecture on Gothic Imagery in Poe's Novel Arthur Gordon Pym was complete. If you'd like you can read that article Here

So as the Irish might say if this issue was happening in Lorna's land, The Shite has Hit the Fan. Through the power of social media as well as perhaps a few of my more recent anti-social comments to reporters; "Really, now they want to make it illegal to sell raw milk of your farm is located closer than 1.5 miles to a municipality? How NUTS are these people!?!" I do believe we have gotten the message out to those in our state who still believe that we the people have the right to eat and drink what we chose.

So now we keep writing letters to JCAR, we keep spreading the news, we keep sharing posts on Facebook and blogs and I personally will keep drinking raw milk ( and serving it to my family and friends) until they pry it out of my cold dead hand.


  1. I've been busy with real life, too, and am only now catching up on my blog reading. I did actually write a blog post yesterday and am trying for at least one a week between now and year's end.

    For the faster reading thing: I found i didn't retain as much when i sped read. In a pinch, i've read the first and last sentences in each paragraph to get an overview, which works okay for a textbook, but not for literary works.

    1. Thanks Megan. I have realized that slower reading is best for literary works too so now I just take stories, novels with me wherever I go. I have given up talking to the rest of the human race. I have to READ!

  2. I liked your previous post......I so want a cow......and although I would love to have one that lived me.......I never wanted a cow pet.....that's what dogs are for

    1. I would like to give you a cow John. I'll start packing one up for her cross-Atlantic trip immediately.

  3. That's the beauty of blogging Donna, you educate your consumers as well as kick some ass :) Yes, we do use the word sh1te a lot! ;)
    Good luck with learning how to read fast. Looking forward to hearing more about your college course and the kind of stuff you are doing.

    1. You are my hero Lorna. When I grow up I want to blog as well as you. I figure I got time, I am still so immature

  4. Well Holy Smokes Donna! I'm just now catching up to you to find you are as busy as ever (and here I thought I was busy...uhh, sort of!).

    I had to read a few posts back to find out you've gotten yourself all edumacated and writing...and here I was going to ask if you wanted to act as a part time contributor for a revamped Renegade Farmer (which in itself is another crazy story).

    In any case I owe you a phone let me know if and/or when you have time for a call...or time to even look at a phone ;)

    1. Hey You! How about 2016?
      Seriously call anytime. As soon as I relocate my phone (it's in some backpack somewhere) we'll chat!

  5. First the IRS and now the JCAR ( along with many unknown gov't stuff) is putting its foot, its massive foot into subjects without understanding anything about them.

    As for massive reading, I instructed my students to place a ruler under the sentence as they read it, so the print below didn't make their eyes swim. Also, placing a transparent lt. blue sheet of plastic (find them in office supply stores or teacher supplies) over the page makes reading easier on the eyes. It "anchors" the words on the pages.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

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