
Monday, September 24, 2012

Saponification Sun-MonDay

Add another day gets past me! I think its Thursday, turns out its Sunday and then here it is Monday...But enough whining, lets get back to business. Indeed, if it really were still Sunday I'd be blogging about soap so lets.

I got two great packages in the mail Friday (or was it Tuesday?). The first was a box from blog buddy Julia Kalkbrenner AKA the famous Cocobong. I had been lusting after some suds of hers for some time and finally just begged her for some. I also deeply desired the soap dish she makes and those items showed up on my humble farm just when I was needing a pick me up.

Julia is, in my far from humble opinion, the mother earth of all soap makers.  She makes the kind of soap that smells and feels rich without ever being gaudy or flashy. The type that evolves into the perfect amount of lather that begs you to never put it down. And finally when I did I tossed it at my hubbie and announced he was to wash ONLY with this soap, Julia's Petitgrain scented masterpiece, until further notice.

Sensing compliance might lead to a greater reward, he readily agreed.

The handsome soap dish however, (above) remained in my bathroom with Julia's other soap bar to be used daily because I believe beautiful soap is to be admired and USED...often.

As if that wasn't enough happiness, the very next day I received the traveling soap box also started by Ms Cocobong many many months ago. The soaps within came from France , Germany and the US. The goal of the box is to take one soap you must must have, replace it with one of yours and send it on its way to the next recipient. The box with all three traveling bars :

That decision was nearly unbearable. I adore soaps made in other countries. They really are different, or at least that is how I perceive them and I tossed the idea back and forth of keeping the one from France or was it Germany ? France? Germany?

Finally, I chose the one made in...the USA. Why ? Because it was a SALT bar and I am a salt bar freak. I collect them while using them. Then I stack them up in my upstairs bath where only I can use them on my feet because THAT is the only real test to a great salt bar, my pony trotting feet.

This Salt Bar, the keeper of the three lovelies, came from Nicole at Girl with a Curl Soap Company This bar intrigues me because it had more than one oil in its makeup and everyone knows that only Coconut Oil really makes a salt bar lather, except for Nicole who had the nerve to add Castor oil to her salt bar!

I couldn't wait to test it but my 5 year old GK beat me to the punch and raced me to his tiny kid sink to try it out. Check out that creamy lather!!!!

And that lather was not created by a tough middle aged farm gal friction effort but by a dinky five year olds hands!  He also insisted on showing you the generous size of this cool bar with its pretty Pink Himalayan salt sprinkles on top
The packaging by the Girl with a Curl just finished off a perfect soap and in fact was so pretty if it had only been wrapped around a pice of dried  up seaweed I still would've been happy.

I won't go into detail about the two soaps I sent on to the next recipient, along with one of my own as was required, instead letting whoever chooses them tell you the details of those creations. But let me just say, it was a tough choice and I am so honored to be part of this international soap swap!!!


  1. I had a hard time choosing between the 3 soaps too! They all smelled fabulous and the packaging was fun and creative. I have really enjoyed this swap and I'm very thankful to Julia for including me. (I love her soap, too)
    Michelle in Nevada

  2. Sounds like you scored some great soaps! Julia's soap looks and sounds very nice, and I love the soap dish. And the traveling soap box is such a neat idea! Nicole's salt bar is gorgeous.

  3. I'm afraid I've totally given up on bar soap...the hubs leaves it sitting in water even when I've provided a place to keep it oot of said water..sigh...somehow he manages to mess up everything.

  4. Well now I can get off the edge of my seat waiting for your Sunday soap update:)) Yes, beautiful soap!

  5. Donna, the salt bar is very interesting....think you need to add the extra oil to yours and let us know what you think. Love all the soaps, but I think your soaps are number one!

  6. I need to try a salt bar. I have always been very scared of doing it, and I don't know why!

    Her packaging is beautiful, too. Very delicate. I love it.

    What a cool idea to start a box! I think I'm gonna think about doing that...

  7. Donna,
    Thank you so much for the kind words about my salt bar! I was so excited to see that you had picked it! I had so much fun participating in the soap travel as well. I haven't blogged yet since my husband is in the process of moving my content over to my new site but I'm hoping to post by the end of this week.

  8. Michele, I Know!! Such a hard decision but I was so selfish inpicking the BIGGEST bar :)

    Jenny, Julia's soap dish is amazing. Like a piece of the southwest desert sitting in my bathroom. I love it.

    MBJ. Just build your own bathroom and lock him out. Problem solved

    Crazy. So sorry to keep you waiting. I hope your seat is OK

    Martha, you are too kind and yes I will try the extra oils. Nothing to lose but lather itself.

    Lindsey, Yes try it. They are fun to make and when they work...they are fab

    Nicole, you are so welcome. I have the bar right at eye level in my bathroom with the big clawfoot tub. It looks great in there. I am looking froward to your new site!!

  9. Talk about a double blessing!! Cocobong soap AND the traveling soap swap all in just two days? Remarkable! That salt bar looks pretty incredible, and it's nice to hear Julia's soap lives up to its reputation! :)
