
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We have a winner...or three.

Um...jeez..who knew so many would want to play.?  Decisions decisions, OK, I think it's going to be..oh wait, I'm not sure, maybe...No, I got it, I have decided, the winner is...CROBAR submitted by Cocobong.

 I choose that name because it made me laugh out loud when I read it.  Reason being , it was one of those inside jokes, you know like your best friend in 7th grade would have with you?  You know how you and she thought the new science teacher was sooo cute with his light brown cury hair all wavy around the back of his neck and how he looked just like Jim Morrison, so every time you were in his class you would look at each other and start mouthing the words to "Light My Fire"  and then you'd both get the giggles and the science teacher with the blue eyes would ask you what was so funny and that would make you laugh even harder? Yeah, an inside joke like that.

You see, blog friend Cro Magnon once put his soapy foot in it while making a comment about the lovely Ms Cocobong. She took it all in great fun as she is the best sport and now the two, Cocobong and Cro Magnon are inseparable.

And to think it all happened here on The Midlife Farmwife. Her comment therfore on yesterdays blog, that it might be nice to recognize Cro for his now undying support of those who love soap, is an excellent suggestion indeed. So, even though she has at least 32  bars of soap in her shower at any one time, she will be getting one more, as will Cro himself since he obviously served as her muse.

But,don't go away yet. I am not finished.  There were some other suggested soap names that I cannot resist and may use for other bars.  Therefore second place goes to  Briny Bar for her entry of "Drunken Wattle" and third place is a tie between My Baby John for "Sudsylager" and Thistle Rose Weaving for the rhythmic "South Pork Pale Ale Brew Bar"

If the winners (Cro, Cocobong, Briny Bar , My Baby John and Thistle Rose) will email me at with your address I will mail you your bar of CROBAR soap. Or if you prefer you can have a South Pork Ranch T-shirt in size S-M-L-XL-2X. Just tell me your preference in your email to me.

So THANKS to all for helping me name this soap. It is the first of several more, maybe 6? 10? that will be my regular line of soaps. But, since I only soap part time and farm full time, I won't be doing any more soaping until next weekend. I do hope you can bare the wait.

Tomorrow, we get back to farming, now get some sleep.


  1. I'm still wearing sackcloth and ashes. This I CANNOT miss; I'll send you my Email address at once.

  2. How cool...a runner up. Sweetheart I'm afraid I'm allergic to scent so I can't accept one of your delightful homemade artisan soaps. Rats!!!!! Can you send Cro my bar? (Oh that just sounds weird) I think we should make every effort to keep him clean. I'm still waiting for those round or egg shaped unscented soaps.
    I just love the picture of the little piggy. He looks like he's found piggy heaven.

  3. Wow that is some pig!

    Thanks for the bar of soap, I know it will be wonderful.

    Sending you my address.

    thank you!

  4. MBJ I do make unscented soaps AND...AND...I have figured out a way to make egg shaped ones. It might take a little while but if you send me your address I think I can meet your needs.

  5. a T-Shirt???? wow..I only have 3
    Light my fire, girlfriend!

  6. Wow....I can't wait to see it.
