
Friday, October 31, 2014

Crap...It's Winter

One last glimpse of the beauty of Fall

My GK'S were asking me the other day about good words and bad words. The writer in me wanted to explain that words are neither good or bad as they have no ability to act immorally but I knew they were not interested in that definition; they basically wanted to know what words, if spewed aloud, might lose them computer time. Basics. Always get down to the basics.

So without an exhaustive list I mentioned a few non acceptable words. Then the 7 year old grandson asked me about the word "crap." For his purposes I decided no. There would be no crap utterances on my watch. But if they are smart, and they are, they will learn like the millions before them; that barn lofts are meant for uttering disallowed words. Cats, chickens and peacocks don't give a crap about your language.

Now, as a farmer..Crap! a most personal favorite of mine, as evidenced this am when I stepped outside to do pig chores. Crap! It was really cold outside and Crap! that's snow coming down isn't it ? And Crap! I'm going to have to go back inside and get a hat and gloves.

Crap! Fall is over and winter is barking up its backside. Sure we will have a few more warm days, a tease, but we all know wha'ts coming here in the Midwest and we best get ready. In the past I would make "Winter Prep" lists but in the midst of a what we thought was a possible farm sale, going back to school, etc...the list was not made. Therefore there is nothing to do to prepare for the ice and wind and snow, correct?

Oh, so wrong mon Cherie. There are hoses to drain and hang which means buckets will be used to carry water to those critters without automatic waterers. Oh joy. Then we have to board up the spots in the barn where snow may drift, secure the open areas on outdoor hutches left open for summer breezes but not helpful when breezes become gales of pure frigidity. Bedding must be packed into hutches to help animals keep warm and fences fixed. Storm windows must return and for those upstairs windows without storms good old plastic must be applied as an additional insulating layer.

The list goes on and on and later this am Keith and I will have our farm meeting and talk seriously...about what we can put off until, or say, the winter of 2017.


  1. Thomas Crapper has a lot to answer for. I like the idea of you and Keith having a 'Farm Meeting'. Keep business separate!

    1. We even have a pre-printed agenda for our Farm Meeting . Some days we follow it and other days...

  2. We've been getting ready for the winter too, one shed needed a new roof as the rain has just been pouring in. Couldn't afford to get anyone to do it so bought the sheeting and put high piles of dung in it so Brian would have a soft fall if he fell - which he did once! That's one big job ticked off the long list.
    They are forecasting intense cold and snow here from mid November, similar to what we had 4 years ago, hoping the news is just dramatising things!

    1. Dung piles are worth their weight in uh, dung, sometimes. Tell Brian to be careful!

  3. Crap is one of the words I feel okay about saying, but not around my gr-kids. As a kid, I heard a wide variety of words from my brothers that I will never say.

  4. Kids are so bottom line, LOL. I think about words a lot too. On the one hand they are so neutral, on the other they are so powerful. We wield a mighty sword when we use them.

  5. yes, we had a blast of early winter last week, when the two inches of snow they forecast turned out to be eleven in real life, and that super heavy, heart attack snow. We also lost power and internet. I was lucky to have power back on in two days, but the interwebz took a bit longer to revive.
