
Thursday, May 29, 2014

I am 5

Yes, That's me. I am five in blog years and a genuswine blog hog. (I just made my sister and my daughter-in-law hurl with that "genuswine" comment. Word purists those two.) Anyway...

I started spewing forth my opinion, never humble, in May of 2009. If interested you can see that first diatribe Here.

My very first comment was made by The Yeoman Farmer who is still an active blogger himself. He said in his comment to me "One of the all time great introductory comments in a blog!"

So there you have it. It is all Yeomans fault. Perhaps if he had told me something like "Don't ever give up your day job." or "You call this blogging? I'll show you blogging" My enthusiasm would've been quelled and all of you might have been spared.

But no. Yeoman lit the fire that is my blog. To reward him, I have a small gift package from our farm store which he will receive ONLY if he makes a comment on this 5 year anniversary blog. And Yeoman, if you email me at with your mailing address that package may actually arrive.

To reward the rest of my followers I will blog every day for the next 30 days AND I will blog about something farm related each day which I have never blogged about before. For example I've talked about piglet castration (one your favorite posts, I know) but I don't believe I've ever spoken about piglet hernias. And you thought The Midlife Farmwife just couldn't get any better didn't you?

One final request. The news all over the Internet is that blog comments are dead. Prove them wrong will ya? Make a brief comment for my blogiversary , right now before we both forget, and I promise if I get at least 10 comments I will never blog about piglet castration ever again.

Cross my gonads and hope to die.


  1. I just looked at my blog and noticed that I only did nine posts last month and eleven this month. I don't know what's up with that, or the lack of commenters. Maybe the NSA is blocking our blogs so they think we're not loved and give up.
    Anyways, I am looking forward to an entire month of daily farmish blog posts from you, and will try my best to comment on, even if incoherently so, every post you make.
    And maybe I'll get my bum back on my own blog.
    Congrats on the five year!

    1. Carolyn, still laughing over YOUR comments about my patchouli soap on my FB soap page. You complete me

  2. Happy Blogiversary, Mrs. Farmwife! I read every post, but I've been a bad commenter:) Keep up the writing! You keep us all laughing!

    1. Me too. I check in on you all the day and then say "I'll comment late" then I fall asleep with my face in the hog feed barrel...cause it's cool in there, not because I love raw rye. :)

  3. Count me as one of the 10. A whole month of blog posts, goodness that's going to eat into your time but i await with anticipation.

    1. Lynda...oh the pressure of it all. Why do I do this to myself? Because I am an attention HOG

  4. When I started writing this comment it was alive and well; but now I'm reliably informed that it is not. Aaaaaaagh.

  5. I seldom comment, but read all your blog posts. I follow a number of bloggers, and always read the comments - often lots of good info there.

    1. Thanks Mary, you now have my permission not to comment again until next year. Thanks for stalking me.

  6. Back when I started my blog in 2008, I thinking blogging was newish enough that people were more interactive with other bloggers. Now with smart phones, etc. I've noticed that most of my blog 'hits' anymore are merely photo hits from search engines. As for comments? Readers don't seem to realize that if you're going to wander through someone's blogs, it's only polite to at least say HI for the privilege of sharing a moment. As for you, girl. Share away!

    1. Thanks Kris. Todays goal of mine will be to stop in on everyone of my commenters blogs today to just say Hi. I'll start with yours

    2. And another thing, now that you've got me started. There are many blogs I used to comment on regularly. But my comments, queries, questions would go unanswered, as if I paused at the garden gate and received no response from the one on the other side. I guess when I comment I'm looking for some feedback there, a snippet of conversation or acknowledgment. Bloggers that routinely respond to visitor comments, see me coming back often.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to the month of posts.

    1. You may regret those words Camille, especially since some of my future posts will focus on manure, thick rich aromatic manure.

  8. Happy Anniversary, Donna! Keep going strong...and please keep making that wonderful soap. Thanks for all that you do.

    1. Well hey there Fitz!!!
      You know I love making soap for you and my millions of other "international" customers. Well some days Mo. does seem very far away.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Love your blog and I read regularly. I will be beginning the farm/homestead lifestyle soon myself and am working on a blog about said subject. I have a long way to go in learning both about blogging and farming! Looking forward to the exciting information!

    1. Hey mamawizzy, love that "handle" of yours. Thanks for reading and best of luck on the homesteading life. It isn't for is primarily reserved for those of us brain dead enough to think making all our own stuff has some value.

  10. Happy Blogiversary! Five years in the blog world is quite a feat. From soaps and pigs to raw milk and grandkids. What a journey it has been! Congratulations and I wish you much more genuswine blog hoggery.

    1. Oh Tab!!!!
      There you are lurking in the background...I knew you loved me.
      But I've loved you longer.

  11. I don't own a farm, probably never will. That does not stop total enjoyment of your posts. I am especially looking forward to the Poor Farm's future. Congrats on the milestone.

    1. Agent X, this is Maxwell Smart. The Chief needs to see you right away.

  12. Happy Blogivversary Donnagal. Even though I mostly stock I have at times commented. Enjoy your writing keep it up. Deb

    1. Deb, Shawn called. He wants you back at his cottage pronto. He has more kerosene laden fiberboard all saved up just for you. :)

    2. Oh Dear you had better go with me!!!!

  13. Congratulations! I look forward to reading everyday. i am a Supt. of a sewage treatment plant so you will have to do better than "thick rich aromatic manure" to get my goat, haha.

    1. Well hey you cringe when I talk about composting toilets? Thanks for following me. I get lost often.

  14. You and your blog (and your farm and your family) ROCK! Here's to many more years of goodness!

    1. And you Roll !! Thanks so much for commenting, now that you've encouraged me you'll never get rid of me.

  15. Congrats! I cannot wait to hear about pig hernias! Seriously!

    1. From one busy Central Illinois farmer/blogger to another...Thank you. And just in your honor I'll do that post about pig hernias real soon.

  16. Happy blogversary, she wrote with genuswine enthusiasm. I don't comment every time i pop in, and recently, both chrome and firefox wouldn't let me comment on anyone's blog. even mine.

    Blog away!

    1. Thank you Megan, just knowing you are out there snooping on a regular basis...makes me want to increase my security system. :)

  17. Ah DFW. Now my mind will keep me up all night trying to figure out those initials. Darn Fancy Wife? Dang Farm Women? Don't Fire Wanda? Oh dear....
