
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Farm Sale Update

Once again, it's all moving forward. In December the gentleman who we had been working with for 4 months changed his mind about buying our farm business BUT the young couple he had hired (briefly) to run this farm came forward and are now applying for financing. They want to be the owners now not just the hired hands.

It's looking real good.

Selling a farm business is more complicated than selling just a farm house and some acres. And believe me, banks like to complicate things. Even though our asking price includes house, land, acres, buildings, livestock, equipment, frozen meat on hand, shop tools etc...everything needed to start running the business the day of closing, the bank is requiring TWO loans.

The first will be for the real estate, house, land and empty buildings. It will be a traditional 15-30 year loan. The second loan will cover the business part, equipment, cows, pigs, vehicles all the way down to the number of eggs in our farm store refrigerator. That loan will only be for 7 years.

And then of course there is the matter of a down payment. No small potatoes since most banks want to see 10% of the asking price. Lenders also want to see lots of numbers, plans, projections and scenarios.

No wonder it has taken us nearly two years to get to this point. I believe it would be easier for someone to borrow money to open a nuclear power plant than it is to get funds for a small family farm.

But if anyone can get it done, I believe it is this couple we are working with. Soon we (and they) will be purchasing additional livestock so that by the time we reach our projected closing date of Nov. 1 this farm will be running at good capacity. We've hated having to turn down business the last few years because we simply could not keep up.

The potential new owners are going to reverse that trend. They plan to grow the farm in a healthy, honest, continued certified organic way. They talk of customer appreciation days, regular newsletters, meat CSA's, educational events taught here on the farm. And because they are bright enough to understand staff will need to be hired to reach these goals I can assume they will be successful. Not just financially but intrinsically.

Yes, We are getting excited.

But now, the real crunch time is beginning. November is just 8 months away. We will need something to live in on The Poor Farm., while we start to build our new earth covered home. We need to get a barn built for a limited number of livestock. We need to plan this years garden in order to feed us next winter. We need to buy a shipping container and get it located on the Poor Farm so we can start storing all our building materials out there now. We need to get electricity and water going out there so we can build the things we need to build. We need to totally go through all our things here and pitch, give away as they will not fit in the new tinier life. We need to keep running this farm well so when Prince Farming (and spouse) takes over it will be in most excellent shape.

We need, we need, we need.

We need to shut up and get to work!

P.S. Why is this all not happening until November  you ask? Because the potential new owners have another very busy farm up north and customers are depending on them through the summer. Sure they could've walked away from all that and left their supporters high and dry but that's not the kind of people they are. They have this thing about meeting expectations and keeping their word. Just another reason we believe they will be the best fit here on South Pork Ranch.


  1. Replies
    1. Careful Deb, if it sells and we run short of cash for building you may have a sad old friend on your doorstop looking for a place to crash.

  2. Oh, Donna, it all sounds so exciting and so horrifyingly complicated at the same time! I suspect it's going to be pretty amazing to read about the next coming months!

  3. Digits crossed that Prince and Princess Farming have come along!

    1. Thank you Megan. Throw some feed over your left shoulder for extra luck will you?

  4. Yay! So exciting to hear the news! We are hoping to close on our farm sale in FOUR WEEKS! I'm not holding my breath as I've been left high and dry before, but things right now sound too good to be true with the buyers. In the end, everybody will be happy in Wisconsin and we can all live our next dream.

    1. I love how our farm lives are both changing around the same time. Perhaps the new owners of each will connect the way we have. Keep blogging about your new plans!

  5. You know, it was just meant to be, sounds like they really want it. Fingers (and toes) crossed for you!!!

    1. Not only do they want it, they WANT it to be even better than it is now. They plan to do all the things we wanted to do but simply ran out of energy for.

  6. Everything comes to those who wait! This sounds wonderful, and I'm really looking forward to daily reports from The Poor Farm.

    p.s. A lady visitor recently used some of your 'Cro Bar' to wash her hands, and came out saying how beautiful it smelt. More success!

    1. Yes, I am looking forward to reporting from the poor farm as well. Posts like "Today our children visited and bought us toilet paper, yeah!" Love knowing I am responsible for folks keeping their acts clean in France.

  7. Success comes to those who work hard and believe - you and Keith have done just that. Bravo! Now, onward to the next stage of your ever growing saga....The Poor Farm.

    1. It is a funny thing. All through my 20's, 30's and 40's my life was about the ever increasing nursing salary. I made more and I spent more. Now we are planning to live on less and match up with our ever decreasing brain cells me thinks.

  8. Awesome, I'm so glad things are going well!

    1. And to keep me laughing its YOUR blog I go to. What a funny mommy you are!

  9. oh, HUGE hopes for you and them that this deal will WORK! loved that - prince farming. :)

    1. Thanks oh mighty Tex girl with the awesome camera. You know you make me want to be a better photographer don't you? well you do

  10. Wonderful news and it gives you sufficient time to get sorted too. It;s lovely to hear about family farms in the US - one tends to think of all farms over there as being the mighty Texas ranchs etc. it sounds like these are full of ideas, business plans and enthusiasm. i wonder will they blog.
    You are going to have a busy year xx

  11. At last!! I'm so happy for you. I pray all works out and you will be settling down this winter in a new home and with a new adventure. We are in the process of moving as I write. In fact I had better get back at loading the trailer. I can't wait to see what you end up with on the new place. We wish you the best!!
