
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another Year, Another Inspection

Our days start early and end late. They are always full and never dull. Sometimes they are even highly rewarding, like today.
As expected our organic surveyor from MOSA  showed up this afternoon. And as expected I was up late scrambling to get the paperwork together while Keith worked like a fiend to do all that I asked him to do in regards to the paperwork I had to get together. But in general, it wasn't too bad. Except when he refused to believe that all our feed buckets had to lined up in order of 1) size and 2) amount of grain and 3) level of rust on the handle.
This is our 4th inspection and because MOSA is highly consistent in both its approach to and interpretation of the NOP standards and because we really did much better in tracking stuff and filing tags, seed searches, sales slips, all year long not to mention that  our hired hand Aaron was a big help and my husband is such a hard working farmer, the inspection only took about 3 hours. (I believe it was just slightly shorter than that last run-on sentence)
And at the end of the afternoon our inspector handed us our copy of the inspection. It went something like this.
Photo: Another organic survey completed. Time for a nap!
And now we bid you GOOD NIGHT!


  1. Congrats. You can sleep now. Well, until the next one.

    1. Sleep really is overrated. But I'll take it when I can get it

  2. Woohoo! You deserve a nice stiff drink and bed! Way to go!

    1. I opted for a stiff bed and a soft drink. I'll save my stiff drink for the day we see the National Organic Program Get tougher on Hog producers who have no pasture requirement whatsoever!

  3. Hope you can put the hoops aside for now, retire from jumping and have a well-deserved rest.

    1. Kris, I rather like hoop jumping. It helps me keep my (rather large) girlish figure.

  4. Sleep is a good thing once certain worries are past. COngrats on the good report to you and Keith...hard work rewarded.
