
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tab's Terrific Tea Time

It's not unusual to be taken out for a meal on Mothers Day, but to be served Raspberry and Lavender cupcakes with real Orchid Blossom tops and cucumber sandwiches served with pastry puff spinach THAT is something special.

All of course the fine work of Chef Tab who also happens to be our daughter-in-law.

These fine foods were not made available though an upscale restaurant but rather as part of a Mother's Day Tea , Tab organized for the residents of the local nursing home she works for. After weeks of preparation, tea pot smuggling from relatives, menu planning etc...Tab and the rest of the staff at Good Samaritan Home in Pontiac through a Tea Party to end all Tea Parties.

With great food, yummy desserts, lots of bubbly (the kind you make by blowing not by drinking) and mediocre entertainment (I was asked to do a soap making demo) the Mother's Day bash was a success that even made the front page of the local newspaper.

We are so proud of all our kids, daughter-in-laws and grand kids but this week we're especially proud of Tab going the extra mile for those elderly moms who without her hard work, may not have had any other celebration that day to tell them all THANKS for being such great moms. Tomorrow she walks with her class as she officially graduates from Culinary School , a goal she has  worked towards for many years .

We can't wait to see what the future holds for her. Great things for sure.


  1. Well done Tab. I'll have a Ham and Dijon on Rye please!

  2. Looks wonderful! If Tab needs a taste tester, please sign me up!

  3. Oh my gosh. How wonderful is that.
    Everything is so beautiful, but those cupcakes. Nom.
