
Monday, April 15, 2013

Raw Milk Monday...16 Days and Counting

Please note: If you are new to my blog you can catch up on the reasons for my raw milk passion and the struggles our own farm have experienced, by reading any of the previous posts on the topic I have written over the last 3 years . To do so, simply enter "Raw Milk" in the search bar under the picture of our house, on the right.


Last week I asked the Illinois Department of Public Health for several things, and I am happy to report...I was given a couple of them.

I asked Molly Lamb of IDPH to
     Send me the minutes of all the Dairy Work Group Meetings (formally the Raw Milk Steering
     Post the Minutes of the Past meetings on the IDPH web site.

     Contact those folks whose names I submitted for inclusion in the Dairy Work Group

     Decide on the specifics of the May 1 Dairy Work Group Meeting like place and time

     To Post that Meeting Info on the IDPH web page

And this is the answer I received

     No Minutes (yet)

     No posting of minutes on the IDPH web page (yet)

     No posting of the Dairy Work Group Meeting on IDPH's web page (yet)

BUT she did contact all those I suggested for memberships on the Dairy Work Group and she did pick a meeting place and a time. In addition, and this is a very big addition , she scheduled the meeting for 9am until 2 pm. This is 3 hours over the original time frame of just 2 hours when the May 1st mtg was originally set back in Feb.

I see these actions as positive and I am grateful for your efforts  Molly(Lamb)  and Steve (Diviencenzo). But we still have miles to go before we sleep. Now that we have ample room and time to express our serious concerns regarding these drastic and detrimental rule changes that IDPH wants to make to our raw milk laws in Illinois, we need to make the effort to BE THERE May 1 and speak our mind.

Please attend the May 1 meeting of IDPH's  Dairy Work Group in Bloomington, Illinois.

Where: Illinois Corn Growers Association Building
14129 Carole Drive
Bloomington, Il  61705

When  9am-2pm

And for those who would like to road trip it with Keith and I, we've rented a bus that will take 50 to the mtg. It will leave our farm May 1 at 07:30 and return around 3:30. You can donate towards the rental of this bus by clicking the donate button at the top of my blog or by bringing money on May 1

This is our chance to say NO to IDPH before they make it impossible to produce and consume raw milk in Illinois. Please be there May 1. We need you.


  1. See you there. S.G.

  2. I'll be there in spirit, cheering you on.

  3. If I still lived in Illinois, I'd be there.

  4. Hmmm, a spam about spam. Reminds of the time I went to a two hour mtg to discuss need to decrease current hospital meeting times!
