
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Eggs....all in one basket

Everyone likes brown eggs it seems. Nothing says fresh country eggs like a big brown egg. So we of course eggs.

Brown egg top left. Light blue egg to the right and white egg to the bottom.
All secure in bubble wrap 14 more Cream Legbar eggs.

Coming from the very feminine looking Cream Legbar chicken we have always thought blue eggs would be fun to produce here. So we of course went to an organization of the highest caliber, EBay. For a mere $6 each, including postage, we bid and won some, a whole basketful.

I think I shall paint my bedroom in these colors
Yes, I shell!

They were supposed to be delivered over night. Which would have been perfect timing for the new incubator we also purchased. But the eggs came about five days late and the incubator is somewhere between Campaign and Wisconsin having passed up here in Chatsworth at least once.

In the meantime the eggs are staying in the well humidified basement (due to recent rains) waiting for their mechanical mother to arrive and make them whole.


  1. I often buy what are called 'Cotswold' Legbar eggs here - just for the colour.

  2. Wow, you got taken on that price. OUCH. There's an egg lady in ME, Muddy Hoof Farm, who sells hatching eggs for the Cream Legbar for $20 for the dozen. I highly recommend her, too. We have had great success with her eggs, and when we don't, she replaces them.

    She also bubble wraps. :)

    Next time, try her out! I think you'll be pleased. In the meantime, take care of those pricey babies!

  3. I just got four Ameraucana hens and they are doing a great job of laying those blue/green eggs. It's fun seeing a carton with a whole dozen like that!

  4. Jocelyn She is the next one I call for sure, Dangit!

  5. You might also want to check out It's an online auction site for hatching eggs.

  6. O.K. Guess I should have checked first. Both of these sites seem to be pretty dead. The original (and best) site is no longer running.

  7. Hope the incubator arrives soon, and that you have a good success rate with hatching those eggs. Here in France I don't think they do fertile eggs by post, so we have to buy hens at the local market, which means that we don't carry the breed of chicken that we would like to. Not to worry, the 'farm hens' do alright!

  8. Walt, yeah sure send me running all over the internet wasting valuable SECONDS of my time....

  9. Just save them for me Vera, next time I'm in the neighborhood I'll drop by for a few fancy frenchies

  10. Looking forward to seeing all the new little chickies~

  11. amazing that they can wait! i hope they'll hatch for you!

  12. I have been looking for fertile eggs locally to put under my hens. I did not know I could order them online!
