
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And now a Word From our Sponsor

You might notice, if you are one of those very astute followers, that there is now a "Donate" button just over there top right.

As Keith and I move forward in our own battle with The Illinois Department of Public Health regarding proposed  raw milk law changes, as well as being the farmers who are also trying to organize and keep informed all the other farmers and consumers in the state , we have noticed that such a fight...costs money. We have no problem using our own money to win this fight but it is unfortunately in limited supply.

Many of you have asked what it is you can do. I have pointed you towards letter writing, news media,
representative communication etc...but for those of you who live out of state or just prefer to help defray the actual costs of fighting for easy access to raw milk, the button is for you.

Today I ordered some posters for our May 1 mtg in Bloomington ( we shall see) as well as some posters to distribute to other agencies. We've also needed to buy the mundane things like envelopes, stamps, copy paper and ink. In addition I am hoping to hire a bus to transport about 50 of our consumers to the May 1 meeting. Cost for that? $600.

After this issue goes away, and there is still hope it might, the DONATE button will go away as well.
Every dime donated will go solely towards this raw milk battle and nothing else. And every dime will be accounted for with a detailed income/expense record available for anyone who asks.

Many many thanks.


  1. I applaud your decision to put a DONATE button on your blog. So many of us angst for your troubles with government. Now, when we feel all clenched up out here in the cybervillage, we can push the button and help you in the fight. You go, gal.
