
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Saponification Sunday...Nancy Today

When I first started making soap I went to You Tube to see what what out there in the way of instructions. I learn best through observation.

 I ran across this very entertaining gal who may not have the best technique (no gloves, no mask, no real measuring) but certainly has the best hat.  So for your viewing pleasure I give you "Nancy Today"


  1. I have to admit, lye scares me. The first time i try making soap, i'd prefer to have someone with me who knows how.

  2. Megan, it did me too. But like anything else, the more you do it the more confident you become. Follow the rules of using gloves and wearing eye protection etc and you'll be fine. Watch qualified folks make soap, attend classes, read books. The burn from lye can hurt but I've been burned far worse making S'Mores and I haven't stop doing that yet!

  3. Yes, I like Nancy Today... she's funny!

    Lye is not as scary as most people think it is. Eye protection should be a must though.

  4. Agreed. She is a wonderful spirit and has a wonderful flower garden too. She makes me smile and feel good when I watch her videos.

  5. p.s. let's hear it for hot process soap ;)There don't seem to be many of us out there.
