
Tuesday, December 4, 2012


From time to time other farmer types, the ones who like us sell their products direct from the farm to the consumer, will ask how it is I get our farm so much attention.

Like on the Internet in general and on this blog and Facebook in particular. The answer is simple...I am shameless. Perhaps it is because I was the oldest of 6, or more likely the daughter of an Irish man who loved being the center of attention, or perhaps the decade I spent promoting Hospice ( a new idea back in the late 80s) to any nurse, doctor or needy patient who would listen but for whatever reason I have learned that no one can promote you, better than YOU.

If I sat quietly no one would know about our farm, our animals, our meat for sale. So the answer to the question is: if you want attention directed at your business, your book, your product...speak up.

Case in point, a couple of weeks ago our daughter Raven took this wonderful picture of Keith and I to use for our Christmas Card.

It took several attempts to get the critters in place but I think she nailed it. In it I am wearing some coveralls I bought from Rosie's , a company I really do love because they make clothes to fit WOMEN. Men's coveralls are too narrow hipped.  Which is just another way of saying I am wide-arsed. After seeing the picture I sent a copy of it to the company telling them again how much I love their product (and asking again, if they would make some insulated coveralls as well)
A representative from the company then contacted me and asked if they could interview me for their blog. My answer? You bet!
A couple of days ago Carol Cujec called and visited with me on the phone for some time. The result of the interview is her on Rosie's Blog. With the exception of the part about how I worked as a nurse in Chicago (I went to nursing school in South Dakota and worked as a nurse there, in Bloomington, in Pontiac and in Gibson City but never in Chi-town) she nailed the interview.
End result? Rosie's gets free advertising. Our farm gets free advertising and I remain...shameless.


  1. Great picture!! And free advertising is great :) Wish my blog were bigger so you'd actually GET some business from it.

    BTW, I'm INSANELY jealous of all that green, thick, lush grass!

  2. Donna,

    Absolutely nothing shameless about it. If you believe in yourselves & the products that you buy then go for it!

    Based on other's reviews, I have bought BOGS boot & shoes & now looking into Rosie's (thanks to you!). That says enough about the power of promotion into things you belive in that you can get others to believe as well.

    As long as the products perform, then they are worth the price!

  3. I cannot agree more with you - nobody can promote you better than you.
    And the social media are priceless in this regard.

    Thank you for all your effort to share your efforts for and thoughts on the farm - I enjoy adding your blog a lot!

  4. You're right; it is a fabulous photo. I'm afraid I'm the opposite, I've never been able to self-promote. I hate even showing people my work!

  5. I find it difficult to promote myself, but I am building a presence on the web, albeit a small one at the moment, but it is growing. Websites, blogs, YouTube, these are the way I am going forward. You are an inspiration as to what I need to do. I can't promote myself personally, but I can promote my work. It takes a lot of hard work, as well you know. Love those work trousers. Am quite wide in the beam myself, and if you can wear them, so can I!

  6. Good job! Love the pictures! Love the message!

    And those overalls are super cool.

    Stay shameless, my friend@

  7. Carolyn, our grass was nearly dead this summer from the drought. Cows off pasture for some time then this fall we were hit with lots of rain!. Now keep blogging!

  8. DFW. The fact that I buy Rosies at full price tells you tons. 99% of my clothes come from thrift shops but good boots and good coveralls are essentila for what we do. The teal coveralls are just a few moths old. I have another brown pair that is 4 years old and show minimal wear. Therefore Rosies price is a bargain.

  9. Cro. Dear blog buddy, you remind me so much of me da who could not promote his art. Always undersol himself but I am aiming to fix that for him post humusly, (Post-humorusly ?) OK, after his death.

  10. Vera, keep going, you are on the right track. We wide beamers must stick together!

  11. Miss Effie Hey there ! Miss you ! Time for another visit your way. You are MY motivation for farm self promotion.

  12. I needed to read this today. Thanks for the kick in the arse.

    Oh, and LOVE the coveralls. I bought some insulated Carharts (men's as this was before they came out with the women's line), and yes i had to fit the hips, so the waist is huge, but i layer up in winter or when on the boat, so i make it work.

  13. Awesome photo!! Shameless is good. If you don't toot your own horn, no one will.

    It's not being 'wide-aresed', it's called curves, baby.

  14. I agree work the curves baby! Donna, the farm picture is perfect! Hope I get one of your cards...hint, hint....

    I have looked at Rosie's overalls many times and stopped just short of ordering a pair for myself because of the price. Now that I hear from you they are worth the money I think I just might get a pair - love the pink ones....

    You are not shameless you are a strong woman who believes in her work and worth - in short...YOU ROCK!!!

  15. Megan. As the elder sister I have been kicking others Arses for some time. So you are welcome

  16. Judie. Thank you as well. Curves are good , however mine definately require one of those "Watch out for..." road signs. Just in the name of safety and all

  17. Martha. It's in the mail my fellow Central Illinois blogger as is a new order from you from your Etsy shop. So LOVE your weaving!!!
