
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Name that...thing.

Working with numerous pieces of leftover, recycled, gifted and found wood, Keith is busy constructing another sorely needed structure for our farm. Even the steel skids on the bottom, kept hidden from the farm wife in one of his back forty inventory piles, is being put into use.

What will it be?

The first person who guesses correctly will get two South Pork Ranch T-Shirts. Great for doing your own chores, for sleeping, for high fashion events.

Yes, I will happily send out of the US if I have an international winner. Now get to guessing


  1. Hmmm, I am guessing Keith is making animal loading panels to help him load hogs, cows or sheep into a truck or possibly a pasture.

  2. I'll guess a photography studio for those high demand celebrity piggies you raise.....

  3. It looks to me like it might be the start of a movable hoop house, good for a deep-litter system with pigs inside it in winter before it turns into a compost making structure in the spring.

  4. It has a steel bottom and wood sides. My guess is that it's going to be a trailer to haul all of the soap you are going to be making!

  5. New mini house for when the farm sells, hook it up to the tractor and away you go.

  6. A pontoon boat for fun adventures after retirement!

  7. Looks like luxury accomidations for the hogs. A moveable hog hut for all your ever growing red wattle herd.

  8. Portable pasture enclosure for the little pigs or chickens?

  9. I got it at once; it's SANTA'S SLEIGH.

  10. You people are fab! Not the brightest folks on the farm but still fab. Really, a "cat walk" ?Have you ever seen a pig with tassles? Thats rhetorical. No need to answer.

    Anyway the winner is Zephyr Hill whose first name I don't know, but who was fast enough and bright enough to guess housing for more pigs. The official name for our hutches are "hogciendas" as Dot correctly stated but Zephyr was first so the T-shirts go to her! Check out her blog here

  11. Thanks so much, Donna. I'm so excited! We'll wear your T-shirts with pride. In my non-blogger life I'm known as Susan. :) And I do love the name "hogciendas!"
