
Friday, August 17, 2012

Hog Heaven

When we prepare our sows for farrowing we consider a few things. Will the area have good shelter from the elements? Will it be safe from other big footed creatures? Is it accessible for us to monitor new piglets and mama sow? Is the decor acceptable to the expectant sow?

Decor is crucial.

Sows like privacy and shabby chic design. They are over the pink and green stuff  of the 80's restaurants and prefer earth tones and romantic prairie essense. We have discovered that the best source of such earth tones is a great big smoldering pile of

You guessed it...manure. Not your average sloppy smelly manure, no, this manure is well packed and underneath is filled with good microbes, earth worms and other creepie crawlies that piggies love. Because much of it has been stored in this area for over 6 months, ( the result of daily free stall cleaning of the dairy herd) it is composting as I am composing. Warm and breaking down while the top layer is dry and cushy it makes an ideal maternity ward.  To make it even better, Keith laid out a thick golden comforter crafted from organic straw.

I would sleep there. Wouldn't you?
But apparently it was not good enough for Miss Dot who checked into the Motel 7 across the way, giving birth easily to a litter of 11 half breeds. (Half Red Wattle, Half Breed)

After delivery, the farm experts were notified and heads were officially counted again

"I see 6"
"No, it's 8."
"Is not it's 9"
We settled on 11. Math has never been the strong suit for South Pork Ranch employees.


  1. Looks like you made the new arrivals very welcome! I love the photo of the children peeping through the wall. So cute!

  2. Thanks Nessa. Life would be dull indeed without our Grandkids. We have them on the farm often and because of is good,

  3. I love it! Hog heaven or not, The Manure Hilton or Motel 6, those are adorable piglets! SO much fun for your GKs! You are giving them memories they will treasure for the rest of their lives!

  4. When you've finished with the bedding, would you deliver me a lorry-load? I could really use some of that stuff. Congratulations to Mama pig.

  5. big pile o'... :)

    sweet little piggies!

  6. once I sort out my tenancy I hope to have a couple more piglets this year!
