
Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Secret Garden Part 2

With a little help from my friend...the one and only Jay...the pathway of the Secret Garden begins to take shape.We had planned to work on it together, I even managed to help him load up all the bricks on the back of pickup. But then the Saturday customers began arriving. So I just gave him a general idea of what I wanted...and off her went.

 First he outlined the curving pathway with the old bricks we saved from the house's original chimney (over 115 years old)

Then he dug and dug and dug, removing all the soil and grass and weeds. Then he tapped down the soil to give the sidewalk a good hard base. The he posed for a photo at my insistence.

Does he look a little tense to you or is it just me? Truth is he hates being interrupted in the middle of a task but the way I look at it, he's taking off two days out of his own busy life to put in a brick pathway for me, free of charge, using old tools and even older bricks, on an extremely warm day, the least he can do is smile for a picture.

And the least I can do is feed him his favorite meal. A huge bowl of popcorn with a pound of butter and a liter of salt with a side dish of raw chocolate cookie dough. That should bring a smile to his face.


  1. What's he done with all the snow?

  2. Looks like you are off to a great start.

  3. I look forward to seeing photos as your secret garden emerges! (Funny, that's my favorite meal, too.)

  4. A man after my own heart...popcorn and cookie dough.

  5. I am so looking forward to seeing your secret garden...unwilling photo mates and all !!

  6. Mmmmm. Looks and sounds delish!

  7. nice hard-working friend you have there!
