
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Saponification Sunday

Yes, I am aware I did not talk about soap last Sunday. Now what was the reason ? Oh yeah, Christmas but hey, no more slacking off for this gal. Today is Sunday and therefore we talk about the soap, until I forget the next time. There's a 50/50 chance.

This weeks cold process creation colored
with maddor root powder, scented with Frankincense
Essential Oil which is very weird and yet likeable

Decisions are being made on this first day of the year, important and earth shattering ones...there will be no further advancement of my soap business at this time. How's that for definately indefinate? With all that is going on farm wise my soap shall remain ETSY-less, EBAY-less and ON-Line Store-less.

Made with Coconut, Babassu, Olive, Sunflower
and Castor Oils, it stacks well don't you think?

Instead I will sell it only in my own little farm store and to the folk who ask for the occasional bars after reading my blog. Oh, and my hard core repeat buying soap customers Jean, Shannon, Wayne and Vickie. And those sisters of mine and their female offspring and my daughter, her daughters and of course the daughter-in-laws. Not to mention, but I must, my mail lady, and the owners of the  two small nearby antigue stores but I won't be refilling those...well unless I change my know like if they beg me or something.

Dipped in Pink Himalayan Salts and
Epsom Salt Crystals, my homemade bath salts.

Does that make my soap very exclusive ? Naaaaaa. It just illumintes the slothfullness  of the soap maker. Or maybe, just maybe a tired farmwife who is finally admitting she has limits. We're funny that way are we not? Insisting on doing  EVERYTHING and then getting mad when EVERYTHING doesn't get done; but I regress.

Hot Process Crock Pot Soap created
from 4 different  Cold Process bars.

But lest you fret, Saponification Sunday will continue as soap is fun and I am in need of more levity in my life right now and besides, the last thing I need is the law firm of Cro, Cocobong and Cro showing up at my door demanding their blog money refunded.

Scented with Lavender, Lemongrass, Sweet Orange
and Bergamot. You say Pychotic, I say Eclectic


  1. Lovely Donna! Can't believe that AWESOME madder colour! Wow! Happy New Year. xoxo Jen

  2. Seeing as my three favourite aromas are coconut, lime, and patchouli; would that make good soap, or just an aroma muddle?

  3. I love the look of the Hot Process Crock Pot Soap - it looks like agate or marble. I sometimes burn frankinsense sticks and it is a scent that I love.

  4. Your soap photography is beautiful! Love that purplish color!

    It sounds like you have a great soap market now!

    Come over to my blog and enter to win some cheese:)) Maybe it'll inspire yet another obsession . . . cheesemaking.

  5. Thank you Jen, you should know, your poppy seed was a big hit with my grandkids this past weekend as we talked about New Years all over the world...and took baths!

    Cro, coconut and lime are great together. Patchouli goes well with anything, anytime as long as the end user is fully hippie-fied

    Rare. Me too. The HP looks so cool and gets really hard with all the slamming of it I must do on the counter to get the layers to stick together well. Therapeutic to the max.

    Crazy ...cheese ?!?! I'll be right there. Put the coffee on. Black please

  6. What are your prices? They look so good don't know if I could use them.

  7. Farmerstac, each bar weighs betweeen 5-5.5 oz (a hefty bar) and sells for $4 each. Postage and handling is $6 for 1-5 bars so best value would of course be buying at least 3 bars. Or if you live closeby come and buy them out of my farm store!

    If you would like just email me with your address. I have 6 of the pink bars and 5 of the blue granite bars left

    Thanks for asking

  8. Donna, you soap is as eclectic looking as you sound to me. Really beautiful work, very unique and I agree with Jen, that purple color ROCKS! I imagine that one smelling of Patchouli, then monsieur Cro would surely beg a bar off of you. But, dear, how dare you mention him in one sentence with moi?..tsssssss

  9. it looks good enough to actually EAT!!!

  10. Cocobong, many thanks. I am having a BLAST with all my soaping and soon will pick 8-10 "signature bars" unless I make it 30-40. Who knows ?!?!

    John. Mostly I am just licking them. It's diet time again

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I <3 Saponification Sunday! And I'm happy it's no longer the crazy holiday season so I can get back to reading my favorite blogs! Your soaps are getting lovelier, Donna! I'm especially fond of the HP one. My daughter says it looks like the ocean. :)

  13. I love your madder root colour Donna! It is absolutely gorgeous, I kid you not. How do you like babassu oil in soap? I have just found a source of it and am thinking of buying some.

    I wonder if you might be up for a soap swap sometime soon? I would love to try your soaps and would feel honoured if you would like to try mine? If that doesn't fit for you, then I will just have to buy some ;) xx
