
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saponification Sunday , Fiona Farrows and WATCH OUT Tide.

Sunday, Sunday Sunday. A day to relax and rest unless your friend Jay comes to visit. I keep telling myself that one day that guys' battery will run the meantime we feed him, we watch movies together (Waking Ned Divine, LOVE IT) we count new born babies, we test powders and clays and then he helps me make laundry soap for the farm store.

Full Bred Red Wattle Hog Fiona and her
new brood, about 12 hrs old.
This week I pulled out all the natural coloring bags. Indigo, Woad Powder, Orange Peel Powder, Wheat Grass Powder, Maddor Root powder. and French Red Clay. Why so many ? "Cause when Mr Jay is here, he and I have a hard time focusing. Residual bad behavior from our teen days of running from the cops, I mean "in track." Yeah, we were on the track team together. Athletes. Sure we were.

As a nurse I thought Castor Oil had only
one redeeming trait. Who knew it could create
happy bubbles as well?

Soap made with (from top down on tiny bars) 
Orange peel powder
Maddor root powder and Indigo powder
We spent a good part of the morning testing different powders  and their solubility in oil VS water. Then we made laundry soap with him cutting little circles with a box knife out of paper bags while I ground up shaved bar soap with washing soda and borax. Truly with all that white powder floating around in the air we're lucky that...lets just say we were lucky.

Just one more product for the Farm Store
Watch your backside TIDE

We cut, we ground, we shaved, we labeled and then after feeding him fresh eggs, fresh sausage, fresh coffee we sent him home with a big bag O' meat for his Greek step father Gus.

Yes, he really has a stepfather named Gus, who is Greek, who owns restaurants and if he hears you making fun of him you might want to hide under the table. He may be 86 but he is no cream puff. He has a great recipe for one though. Of course it is a secret and if he tells you he will have to kill you.


  1. Look at that beautiful old girl with her babies. Hope she had an easy time of it.

  2. Once again, another hilarious post. You cannot be allowed loose in the streets of NYC, you will paint the town red.

    But please come and visit here, when you can. And bring some soap...and cream puffs! ;)

  3. Baby anythings are the sweetest creations <3

    Except maybe for that soap! Wow!! It is totally gorgeous :)

    I will keep mentioning a soap swap until you cave... I can add a timber soap deck crafted by my Dad to sweeten the deal? ;) xx

  4. Just 4 piglets? Or are there others hiding.

    Tedious Sunday here; rain, wood chopping, dog calming, keeping warm!

  5. I like the colours You create in Your soaps with all natural coloring ingredients. And You made a sort of "flag soap": Black, red, gold/yellow for Germany ;-))) - Funny!

  6. MBJ, she had a fine time. A small litter for Red Wattles, only five so she got off easy

    Oh Zan, I would so LOVE to visit NY city. Some day...some day...

    TOPCAT YES YES YES ! Lets swap saop and I would love a soap deck from your dad. Does he sell to others? My email is send me your adress and we will swap away sister!

    Cro, yes only 4, She had five but it was DOA when we arrived in the barn that is. looked well formed but smaller. Nature is good about taking care of that which needs taking care of.

    Misc. Yes, a flag soap for Germany, just what I intended. Now do I have an invite to visit there as well?

  7. Of course, You are invited. Come for a visit and we make a Stars and Stripes Soap together.

  8. I have no idea how I came across this blog, or when, but I'm so glad I did, I've really enjoyed reading along for the last, well, quite a long time actually! These posts are hilarious, I love it!! Makes me wish I lived near IL so I could shop at the store and get raw milk and meet you in person!

  9. Jenn, many thanks. Soon, when I begin my world wide Midlife-Farmwife Tour I'll be sure to stop by your house so you can wait on me hand and foot. Until then please keep following my blog

  10. Baby anythings are the sweetest creations <3 Except maybe for that soap! Wow!! It is totally gorgeous :) I will keep mentioning a soap swap until you cave... I can add a timber soap deck crafted by my Dad to sweeten the deal? ;) xx
