
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lighten Up or Get Out

In the past I must admit, there have been times that a boss (or two or three) has suggested that I might want to lighten up a little. Seems I took things too seriously, expecting folks I worked with to act consistently and ethically. I have even been told to lower my standards.

Believe me...they've been lowered. Oh you might look at this daily agenda I created for my husband and I in order to keep track of our farm going ons, and think I have gone overboard but really I use to be far worse.

I USED to have clipboards for everything, like beef customers, pork customers, locker instructions, hog location whereabouts (you know, were they in pasture number 26 or number 27, date of birth, slaughter date, ) grocery store order blanks ...oh wait; I still have clipboards for all those things.

Well, its hard to keep track, we're only two people you know. Two middle aged, over worked -by our own inefficient design-dazed and often confused people. And the bottom line is, if I don't write it down, it does not get done because it has gotten lost in the grey touched with silver brain matter.

My husband tolerates this obsession of mine to stay organized, it benefits the business but can be so irritating. For example I won't let him jump ahead, in our daily farm mtg, to discuss accounts receivable until we have discussed accounts payable. Why? Because it would not be in alphabetical order of course.

But don't fret. I have my wild and unpredictable side. Proof is in the Peacock. Amazing, the fun one can have with a dry eraser,


  1. Being 'Organised' certainly saves time. e.g. Lady Magnon spends most of her day looking for her glasses; mine hang around my neck. Simple.

    The only criticism I have of your list is the lack of space to write all that is needed, or is each space there simply to receive a tick?

  2. I like lists and organization. I have lists of my lists.
    Imagine expecting your coworkers to be organized efficient and ethical...what the heck were you thinking????

  3. I love it! Alphabetical and lists!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    Looking forward to your 2012 blogging.

  4. Organization is the heartbeat of any business...keep going with those lists and with the alphabetical order!!


  5. Lists and their makers rock! I love lists esp. alphabetically ordered lists. I love binder clips, calendars,office supplies,new crayons,staples,and all the things that make life more organized...notice my list is also alphabetical. haha!

  6. Donna. Do see my page entitled 'A Slippery Subject' 22 Dec' 2011.

  7. Cro, Yes, each area is just for a tick mark as they all require more time, clipboards, notebooks to discuss. It helps us remember what we forgot the day before.

    And many thanks for the soapy blog. I was gobsmaked.

    MBJ, and yet the sows still have their babies when they want to, never on the day I have marked on the calendar. Big fat swines I tell you!

    Cathy, Jane , Lana women of the earth, sea and sky...I blog you too!

    Tierre, I don't buy any of the now very popular Vera Bradley bags but yesterday I saw she made flowered printed binder clips! Yeah, I bought them. Sucker that I am.
