
Monday, November 21, 2011

This little pig called WEEEEE wee wee...

Keith noticed last week, three little piggies not growing as well as they should. Sometimes its a bully thing. Bigger pigs push little pigs out of the way. Or they might have a worm issue. Parasites are a way of life on farms. We do not "pre-treat" by loading them with tons of antihelmintics (worming meds) from the minute they are born, but instead we give them room to roam and build up their immune systems allowing them to fight off investations of creepy things.

But sometimes, they need help. These three little ones certainly fit the bill.

Poor coat condition, dull eyes, skinny legs with bigger tummies, we needed to intervene. Keith separated them from the group and started adding organic powdered garlic to their grain mix and raw milk. Their appetites were good and their activity level improved but after a week we decided they needed even more special treatment.

The hog relocation program was put into effect. We moved them closer to our calves, putting them in the path of our morning chores, thus forcing us to keep an eye on them several times a day. We carried them from the barn into their new area (they screamed a mighty scream. Lung condition:good)
and settled them into an unused calf hutch piled HIGH with fresh straw. Sorry, I forgot to take a pic of their new abode, catch me tomorrow.

Inside the calf hutch, they will  have the opportunity to dig through the old manure, making it easier for us to move such next spring, and they find more good bugs and worms to eat. Yes, there are good worms and bad worms, which is why following one species of animal with another is good practice. They will also get petted, rubbed and scratched every day as research (and good common sense) proves that human touch is very good for ill animals just as the love of an animal is excellent therapy for sick (or elderly, or handicapped) humans.

We expect these three to do well over the next few weeks, but if we don't see more improvement in a couple days we'll have the vet visit. . If he thinks they could benefit from antibiotics they will get them. The National Organic Program prohibits antibiotics unless an animals life is in danger. Then you are allowed to treat but the animal must be removed from the rest of the herd.

I'll keep you updated. You can send Get Well Cards to:

Three Little Piggies
South Pork Ranch LLC
32796 E 750 N Rd
Chatsworth, Illinois 60921.

No. They do not have names, are you new to this blog?!?
Opps. Sorry.


  1. All the best to pork chop, bacon and ham hocks...hope they get better soon.

  2. I was wondering if you had given in and named them Donna ~ although 3 new pets at once would be a stretch? :)

  3. Powdered Garlic? No wonder I've always been worm free!

    Pinkie Perkie & Porkie.

  4. Gah! Now you've gone and made them all lovable for me, you can't eat them now. What will it take for me to buy them off you and bring 'em over to the city?? My landlady will be thrilled, of course!

  5. I love pigs! They are so fun to play with. We used to love to go to the pen at feeding time and holler, "Pig! Pig! Pig!"
    There would be a sound of movement from inside the little pig house and some dust would roll out. Then our little pigs would shoot out of the doorway like they had been fired from a gun. Zing! Zing! Zing! They would scamper happily around the pen, and finally come close to the fence so we could scratch them. If we carried a string from a bale of straw with us, they would play 'pull the string'. At least until we lifted the bucket of feed and dropped it into the trough. Then all playing was done. There was eating to do!

  6. Adorable. I send well wishes to the piglets. xoxo Jen

  7. what do you think the problem is, seeing that three are under weight?

  8. Have you ever heard of feeding radichio as a dewormer?
