
Friday, October 28, 2011

EKG Soap and Raw Milk updates

When the going gets tough, the tough make soap that look just like their own cardiac rhythm. I call it 5th degree block soap ans it will be for sale in 4 weeks after cure time. You can buy it in my farm store or at line by sending me an email at  $4 bar plus S&H

Keep in mind I am not a professional soaper. I just play one on my blog. These pics were taken as the soap was immediately released form its high tech diaper wipe mold and cut with my husbands miter box and my heavy duty kitchen knife I bought in Arthur from Miller Goods. If anyone knows how to cut things up, its the Amish I always say. They are rough and untrimmed, just the way I like my...oh never mind.

Definitely not the best rhythm, although I do see an occasional P wave. Your thoughts ?

The view from the top is nicer. My big meat fork made some nice waves.

A few bars at a time and you get the gist. Its peppermint soap, made with Rice Bran, Palm, Coconut, Sunflower and Castor Oils, colored with French Red Clay and scented weren't paying attention were you ? PEPPERMINT. No, I wasn't yelling. My finger slipped unto that shift key by accident.

And now because you soap voyeurs like to see the same bars from different angles I present you with

Yes, I am aware that bar number 3 on the far wide has a wider bottom than Twiggy standing next to it. Its a thyroid thing. Leave it alone.

Finally, one more for good measure. And there you have it my first CHRISTMAS soap because I believe in Christmas, not just "holidays."

And now a Raw Milk Advertising update.  I am in day 5 of my drive towards getting some answers form my own Illinois government while Michael Schmidt is on day 29 of his hunger strike. I am very happy to report that my friend Zan Asha (and my editor at The Renegade Farmer) has spoken with Michael and will be interviewing him THIS SUNDAY on the Renegade Radio. Please tune in and learn so much more about this special crusader.

This am I reached a real live person at the Illinois Department of Public Health ( after many phone calls, voice mails and emails) Mr William Beauty, the division chief at IDPH Springfield, was quite pleasant as I asked again where I could find the specific answers that Illinois sent to NASDA  in answer to the raw milk survey sent to all the states last spring. I also asked him where I could find the exact law that prohibited advertising of raw milk sales in Illinois.

He admitted he did not know the answer to either question which bothers me not as it is a big department and their is no way one individual can know all things. He promised he would find the answers and get back to me.

We'll see.

In the meantime...

Raw Milk for Sale 
at South Pork Ranch
32796 E 750 N Rd
Chatsworth, Il

$5 a gallon    Bring your own container


  1. mmmm looks like cake. Looks good enough to eat, and if I had that soap in my house I probably would try.

  2. Lovely delicious soap! My grandkids would eat first, ask later.
    Keep us informed about Michael and his struggle to challenge the raw milk prohibition.

  3. Dang it! This is soap porn, I say! :)

    Thanks for the shout out! Hey, if people want to hear the show with Michael directly, here's the link:

    No idea if your followers will see it in this comment section, so if you want to let them know--go right ahead and tell them :)

    In the meantime, I will go drool over your soap!!

  4. Got the big hug and kiss when I got home with your soap. ;-)

  5. Maybe no such law actually exists! Or it's covered under some wider 'umbrella' law such as 'danger to health'. I suggest that if Mr Beauty can't tell you, then you should ignore.

    The soap looks a little like bleeding TEETH; perfect for this wretched Halloween.

  6. Gorgeous soap Donna! Your swirly layers are delightful and I can smell it from here. I love how you write, thank you <3

  7. I agree, looks like cake.

    We buy raw milk from a neighbor for $5 a gallon and we love it!

  8. Speaking of raw milk... we're almost out. We'll probably be up the second weekend in Nov.

    By then maybe we will have eaten through the 4 gallons of icecream the DH made from the last batch of cream. Yummo!

  9. Ummm . . . I was thinking it looked like dentures from a distance . . . but then . . . I still can't get over the bacon soap either . . .

  10. Yup. Good enough to eat. If one did, would it clean from the inside out?
