
Friday, August 26, 2011

Equine on my Mind

See this ?

I'm not sure, but I believe it is a horse. Not sure because its been awhile since I've gotten up close and personal with my herd of three. Ironic isn't it ? The animal I love the most is currently the one I do the least with. Why ? Because I see them as pleasure and how can one waste time with that which is solely pleasure when one has so much else that much be done.?

Last summer I rode often in preparation for the 3 day training I was going to do with Chris Cox, cool professional horse guy. It was one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. Hard, hard, work but so worth it. August 2010 will always be a month of great memories for me.

Now, a year after that special weekend and I realized yesterday that my horse Nora has not been ridden even ONCE this summer. That's  right, not one time. No wonder I feel out of sync and crabby. No wonder Nora is so happy and flabby !

But, change is on the horizon. It started with a serious talk with the equines. I told them vacation was over and we'd all be back in the saddle this very week. It wasn't just about THEIR needs anymore. It was time for me to meet some of MY needs.

Of course, this announcement was received with only utmost respect.

Yeah, he thinks he's funny, until I start selling packages of donkey brats in the farm store that is.


  1. You go Cowgirl! Have fun with those horses:))

  2. I've recently been thinking of buying a donkey.... maybe I will.

  3. But he is funny. And the horse in the background even pretends to show respect.

  4. When you come out of the barn with the saddle head straight for him...time someone turned the funny tables.
