
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Store (and everything else) is OPEN

Farm Store at South Pork Ranch
32796 E 750 N. Rd
Funny thing happened on the way to selling our has escalated. This is a very very good thing. In order to sell it as the great organic meat business it is, we have to have you So that the next people who buy it will When we opened our little Farm Store back in November, just 8 months ago, we really had no idea how it would go. We hoped well. Because well is good or is it good equals well ? I always mix those two around.

Back then, we had a solid raw milk customer base who often asked us for the other items one might expect on a farm. You know eggs, bacon, antique bird baths, that sort of thing. So we thought having the store just a few yards away from the raw milk receptacle  (because "receptacle" is far classier than "tank" that's why) would make it just a little easier to buy 100% grass fed, certified organic beef and pasture raised, milk fed certified organic pork.

Why yes that did sound like a blatant advertisement for our farm meat. Probably because IT WAS. Just one more benefit to having your own blog.

And speaking of cool customers ! We have them. Our Customer of the Week AWARD goes to a lovely young couple who shall go unnamed to protect their privacy. So for now lets just call them, oh say...Bart and Kat, just for now. I have no idea what their real names are because they always pay cash. Mysterious huh ?

Now you might think I am giving them the Customer of the Week AWARD because of the cool way they dress. Kat is all beautifully tall and exotic with these cool groovy clothes while Bart is all beautifully less tall and equally exotic in a Mid Western way. He also wears cool groovy clothes. But, that is not the reason. Nope, they win the Customer of the Week AWARD because of the way they fill out their sales slip.

You see, sometimes Keith and I are occupied with a shuffleboard game or playing with our CB radios and we can't make it out to the store. So folks will be forced to self serve. Bart and Kat (if that was their real names) are professionals at completing their transactions.

They complete all the columns perfectly and IN ENGLISH. I really like that part. I used to read French but only when Sister Marie Tres' Bien was standing over me with a rock hard loaf of French Bread. Now I only read English. Also, Bart and Kat will add extra descriptions of what they buy such as "Tea-Tree Soap" instead of just soap. But the best thing is...they overpay. YES!  Our burger is $4.99 a pound but they always pay us $5.oo. Always.

Therefore, this week Bat and Kart (really, their privacy is very important to me) will receive one FREE bar of soap. Tea-Tree, Peppermint, Galway Bay whatever they like. So you two, in the Description area just write FREE bar, in case I am not in the store to award you myself. Thanks again Kat and Bart for being such fantastic customers. You rock. (Don't you hate it when middle aged grey haired matrons say that ? Me too. That's why I do it)

1 comment:

  1. Funny...I always found that Bart guy to be annoying even though nattily attired..but Kat...well, I just love Kat. She should have two bars of katnip soap.
