
Friday, April 8, 2011

"Half-Breed, That's all I ever heard"

Ah yes. Cher. Who could ever forget Cher ? Thought of her the other day as I was watching our new litter of Half-Breeds running with their own mama. Half Red Wattle, half a bunch of other stuff, many of them look almost 100% Red Wattle in their body type.  Our RW boar Mad Max sure knows his business.

Sow Spot with 5 week old piglets. Check out those hams-to-be
And No, Freddie has not been beheaded. He just has to stick his nose
in everyone's business.
 Their mama was a feeder pig we bought from another farmer a couple of years ago. Keith named her Dot and after searching many name books, pig encyclopedias, and of course the 2008 Version of "Who's Who in Swine" he named her sister, Spot. The two of them are long and big boned and because they have been handled daily by humankind, they are quite friendly.

The first time we bred them to a Red Wattle Boar, we knew we were onto something. The Spotted Wattle was hatched. The piglets were long like their mama's with about 50-75% of them carrying the famous wattles under their necks. Most were red in color, some had spots. All were solid , husky meat types. This last batch of piglets springing forth from Dot had even more fun coloring-white socks. Now genetically that confuses me because when it comes to genetics I am easily confused. Neither parent had white socks. Did these leggings come from a grand pig or did I leave a bucket of white paint out in the pasture...again ?

Now of course the hard decision rears its ugly snout. Which babes do we raise for meat?  Which do sell as feeders to others ?  Which shall we keep for our own breeding program ? 

Yes, hello.  Is this thing on ? Yeah, Ok.
My name is Four Socks, you may have seen me in "Dances with Hooves"
Anyway, I'm asking for your vote to remain on the farm for future breeding stock.
Please and Thank You


  1. Well John, being as you are a bit of a distance from me, I guess I'll have to smuggle it into my suitcase and come visit your neighborhood. I need a vacation anyway. Get your pig condo ready

  2. I'd love a pig too!! I don't live as far away as John and easier than going to John's would be coming to see me. You know how to get here since you use to live in our neck of the woods. Come visit, we'd love to have you. You can see our yaks, as soon as they arrive, and bring along a piglet of course. I've always loved baby pigs. I can even do a smash up imitation of a mama pig talking to her little ones. Just call me Doctor Doolittle.

  3. I vote for leaving Four Socks on the farm for better things than eating him! He's too good looking to roast. How about making more babies?
