
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sappy New Year

'I had planned to blog today about our farm,  "A year in review," but the events of the day left me with no desire to do something so serious. Instead, I met my daughter at the halfway point between our two homes, juggled three grandkids from one vehicle to another and brought them home with me. There we cream man.

Husband Keiths' complicated recipe goes like this: raw cream from this mornings milking, sugar, vanilla and a Kitchen Aide  ice cream bowl that attaches to my Kitchen Aide mixer. The raw cream is skimmed off the top of a five gallon bucket of raw milk. "Raw" is the key ingredient in this recipe. Since the milk is neither pasteurized or homogonized  it is known as raw and we believe, much healthier. All those good antibodies swimming around boosting our immune systems. Yum.  The rich taste, the thick texture, Dairy Queen becomes Dairy Jester when compared. The whole ice cream making process takes about 30 minutes including the time it takes for 3 yr old Wesley to taste the "ooger." (He has a hard time with the letter S" )

Then the girls set the supper table with 6 bowls (Uncle Jason dining with us tonight) while this Yaya whipped up some chocolate syrup. Then the fun, and the mess, began.

Allana grins her approval of her first supper of the New Year

Nicole agrees.
Wesley and Papa confirm the raw icecream whether mixed with chocolate
or taken directly off the beater makes for a great supper.


Oh yeah, blog background # 5. Tomorrow the final decision. Maybe.

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