
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chilling out in Springfield

You know what they say, "All work and no play"  made Jack Nicholson a very rich man. I just re-read my last two blogs and they were heavy, man. So no farm planning tonight. I spent the day in more workshops and seminars at the Illinois Speciality Crop, Agritourism and Organic Conference. Good stuff ! Especially liked the one on Social Networking. Found several more ways to let you good folks know what is going on at South Pork Ranch. Places like and 

I also enjoyed the conferences dress code. In my 25 yrs as an RN I have attended many workshops but folks there were on the uptight side. Lots of suits, fake alligator briefcases and Rush Limbaugh ties. The scene down here is slightly more relaxed. Carhart jackets and Eddie Bauer sweaters, backbacks instead of leather totes and cell phones instead of cell phones. Some things don't change. Well, maybe they do. Many folks carrying SMART phones or maybe it just seemed that way since that is high on my wish list right now. Just think. I could Tweet while feeding sows, post my Facebook Status while bedding calves. And if I could just find a way to swing a Kindle as well, I could snuggle up in my chair in the horse barn to finish reading Wicked.

Ah the possibilities.

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