
Friday, October 22, 2010

Crystal Blue Pigsuasion

Will you look at that ? Its contest time again. This season its Miss Debbie we are watching. Registered full bred RedWattle age 2 and 1/2 she was mated with Mad Max (another registered full bred Red Wattle) four months ago. He was  all of  10 months old at the time. Deb is due any day.

The prize at stake is a beautiful Holiday Ham. Around 6 pounds of tasty meat perfect for your Thanksgiving or Christmas party. It will serve 8-10 depending on what kind of pigs are in YOUR family. Approximate South Pork Ranch value is $25 and it must be picked up on our farm. No, it will not come from Deb or her offspring, its from a pig you people did not even know. Relax already.

To enter just send your guess (date of birth and number of piglets.) If there are any ties the ham will go the the guess that arrives soonest. To help with your guessing, the average Red Wattle litter size is 8, Deb's last litter was 9 and old pigfarmers say sows will have as many piglest as they have teats. Deb has 12 teats, 6 on each side.

You can send your best bet via email  or by making a comment on this blog. Yes. If you want to drive out here and feel her belly or swing a nail back and forth over her tummy you can. You people will do anything for free meat won't you ?!? Freikazoids.


  1. Sunday Oct. 24 @ 7:35 AM. 9 piglets again.

    I'll get my smoker ready for the ham.

  2. 10 piglets. My own (single) baby is due on Thanksgiving... would be nice to have a ham to bring to dinner!

  3. Wed. Oct. 27 9 piglets

  4. October 31, 10 little pigs.............whee wheee

  5. I say 8 piglets on October 30th to mark the end of an era :)

