
Monday, August 30, 2010

Take this job and LOVE it !

I quit ! decade long job as medical surgical weekend night nurse at the small community hospital near us. A decision that was many months in the making. My last day is Oct 30, which will allow Keith and I to investigate the location of all the poor houses in our area, as we may need a place to live if this new idea tanks.

It is time for us to fish or cut bait, and take a leap of faith. Either this farm  is ready to be totally "sustainable" enough to support itself or it isn't, but we will not know until we cry...I mean TRY. Our hog and raw milk business has been steadily growing but is far from reaching its potential. We feel if I am home full time we can accomplish so much more.

The response from our 4 grown children was most amazing.

From "way to go mom !" to "what the @%&! are you thinking !!??" I feel the same way. Why would I leave a great job with great pay and super benefits like health insurance ? I am leaving because it is time.

Time for me to put my money (or soon to be lack of money) where my mouth is. Time to put everything I have , instead of just half of what I am capable of, into our family farm. Time to trust God, which is so easy to do when life is stable and much harder to do when life gets challenging. I have been in health care for 36 years, 25 of which has been as an RN. I have loved that job, especially the 11 years I spent caring for hospice patients but the seasons they are- a -changing and I am pulled to another season of my life.

Keith and I are blessed in so many ways allowing this decision to be a little easier to make. Our four children do not rely on us financially, our health is good, (well, Keith's is fantastic and mine is good enough and that averages out to be good ),  our minds are clear at least 80% of the time. We LOVE what we do here on South Pork Ranch and we love sharing it with our friends and families. So wish us luck as we begin to sever the corporate safety nets we have kept underneath us for so many years, and begin to build supports of faith, hope and charity, and by charity I mean YOU GUYS. Because when we lose the house, the farm, the land it might be your porch we show up on with our sleeping bags in hand ! Lock your doors.


  1. YEAH!!!! We're cheering for you! Especially since where you are going is where we hope to be headed! God's Continued blessings on your family and farm!

  2. We wish you the best on your leap and you and I both know that as long as you listen to HIM all will work out for the best.

  3. You know our door is always open for you... though you won't need it I'm am sure of that. Wonderwoman always prevails!

    But just in case you need it, I'll always have an ear for listening and a voice for cheering and a hug for comforting anytime you need.

    As always I love ya like a sister and keep you all in my prayers.

  4. Best of luck! My daughter just gave up her job to be a full time at home mommy. Must be something in the air.
    You can stay on my porch anytime :) oh, do you feel about the sidewalk in front of the house?

  5. Not that I think you'll need it . . . but our door is always open and we have lots of room in our home and hearts for you guys!!

    Blessings to ya!

  6. congrats! Doing what you love has to be one of life's most sublime pleasures. You have been a great inspiration to us, and we do have a spare house if you guys ever want to see what life "Up North" is like..

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