
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to the barn

Its called trust. I'm not sure when it happened. Maybe day 30 or day 40 or ride number 50 but sometime this summer Nora and I developed trust with each other.

 Nothing replaces time when it comes to important things. Like family and horses. I've been riding for years but I've only just begun my journey as a horseman. I had to admit how stupid I was before my mind would be open enough to learn. And once I did that this whole huge barn door opened up and knowledge flooded in faster than my pea brain could absorb it.

But why or why couldn't this revelation have hit me when my BODY was young and supple ?!?!??!?!? My mantra used to be "please don't let me fall, " now it is "WHEN I fall, please let me bounce."

 Two more days until we leave for the Chris Cox Clinic in Oregon Wisconsin. My sole selfish wish is that there be at least one person a little older and maybe a little fatter than me. Someone who shows up in (brand new)  matching  neon pink cowgirl boots and hat and calls her horse "snookums". Really, is that asking so much ?

1 comment:

  1. Seems reasonable to me! Now that I have a Grand Daughter on the Way I am hoping to convince the other half of the necessity of a pony. She says I can have the pink cowboy boots but no horsey! Sometimes life is just so unfair!
