
Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Laid Back Lifestyle

Heat. Lots of heat. Stifling heat. Hard to work in, hard to sleep in , hard to relax in. But, you should cry not for me Argentina. We chose this sauna of life. Years ago when we moved into our over 100 year old farm house we did have the place fitted for a new furnace and possible an air conditioner "some day". The "some day" keeps getting put off. We are concerned that if we had a comfortable place to go to indoors we would gravitate there and the work we need to accomplish outside would suffer.

So instead we suffer and the work progresses. AND YET, I lose very little weight. Oh I always drop about 20 pounds every summer without any change in diet since my activity ramps up so much, but with all the work and all the sweating I should be Twiggy size. Wait...half of you don't know who Twiggy is. How about Calista Flockhart ?  Oh come on. Lindsey Lohan then.  The hardest part to deal with is my husband Keith because we all know how hard he is to deal with. Its hard because he is the same size he was in highschool. A 32 in waist which coincidentally is the same size as my upper arm. He works, I work. He sweats. I sweat. He loses weight so easily I have to keep a dozen of Caseys donuts and a gallon of milk on the counter at all times. Getting weight off me is harder than capping a BP oil leak. I'm just sayin'


  1. There you go bragging about your ripped husband again...we got it.

    Big J

  2. Amen!!! sister, I thought chasing three little ones with no time to eat would rev up my motor, instead I'm gaining weight. What's up with that?

  3. Goodmorning! Found your blog yesterday through Holly's blog~ loved it! So, so funny! I look forward to coming back. Keep up the good work with all those critters!

  4. OK Girl!!! Terri at ourcrazyfarm sent me the link to your blog this morning cause she knows me and she knows that I love humor!!!!! She said I would love it here and she is right!! Just reading your profile cracks me up!!!! I too am a nurse and a dairyfarmer.....I said I do like humor..... I have 2 dairy goats in milk and I am not working as a nurse right now. However with the price of milk dropping daily I will have to be in a hospital or nursing home passing around the laxatives before you know it!!!!!! hahaha

    I can't wait to read the rest of your blog. I already love it!!

    Don't you just hate how men can drop the weight. My dh has gained a lot of weight (ALL MY FAULT, YA KNOW THE GUN TO HIS HEAD TO MAKE HIM CLEAN HIS PLATE STORY?) but when he decides to lose it he just loses it!! Darnit!!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Wow. Thanks for all the comments ! Loved looking at the new blogs (to me) and happy there is another Colton out there making mommies and grandmommies smile. Mine will be 29 soon !
