
Friday, January 22, 2010

Your opinion please.

When I entered the barn last night Mad Max and Cagney confronted me about the lack of comments in regards to recent Red Wattle postings. Several of you  non-swine types have also been telling  me for some time you would like to comment on my blog but have had difficulty doing so. Let me clarify. You have had no difficulty telling me VERBALLY when you see me but the trouble has been in leaving a written comment on my blog. Please try again. I have redone several of my blog settings and it should allow every Tom, Dick and Mary to be able to leave a comment. (Should I be frightened ?)


  1. Here I am... Commenting... Will it work...? I'm about to press the "Post Comment" button... sooon.........

    (PS. Walk safely on all that ice!)

    Hmm... Trying again. The first time I got a message:

    "Your request could not be processed. Please try again."

    Pressing the "Post Comment" button again...

  2. Much easier to post comments now! Way to go you tech-savy YaYa!

  3. I thought it was EASY before, but then again I AM MARY!!

  4. To Walter, King of Blogs and Prince of Pigs, I am so honored you would comment on my comments. To Raven, you lucky girl; now you get to PUBLICLY give your opinion on your mothers opinions. Don't you just wish you'd had that opportunity when you were 16 ?!? To Mary, you are certainly Mary and no one can ever be MARY like you are :) And to the other "Anonymous" will always be J.B to me. The B stands for Ballyvaughan of course. Thanks everyone for breaking the comment barrier that is no more on my blog.
